Cookie Policy

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Laatste update: {{model.product.creationDate}}
Auteur(s) :
Beschikbare talen : FR / NL / EN / Language_ Id

 A cookie is a small text file placed on a computer when an Internet user browses a website.

 The cookie is linked to the computer's hard drive and not to the user. The cookie was designed to collect useful information in order to offer users a personalized experience when they browse the various websites.

 There are different types of cookies. This may include, for example, a "shopping cart" cookie, a "session ID" cookie, etc.

 From a legal point of view, cookies are currently regulated by a European Directive dating back to 2002.

 A European regulation that is somewhat similar to the GDPR and which aims to respect privacy and the protection of personal data in electronic communications still has to be approved in the coming weeks or even months.

 However, at present, the legal framework requires the user to be informed of the cookies that will be placed on his computer, and possibly of the possibility of refusing them.

 It is therefore in this spirit that the document was written.

 Take a few minutes to customize it to be perfectly in order.

 Remember that in case of doubt, you always have the opportunity to ask one of our specialists.